




Today is the opening day of Cadalin 这一天 是扬州嘉德琳开学的日子 hi,宝贝们 好久不见... Hi, Babies... Haven't seen you for a long time


距离我们上次见面 已经过去了 135天 3240小时 194400分 1166400秒 但是仿佛我们又从未分开过 因为我们彼此想念 It's been a long time since we last met But it seems that we've never been apart Because we always miss each other

疫情期间,妈妈告诉我,园长妈妈给我来信了 当时,我好开心 现在 园长妈妈,我终于回来了~ During the COVID-19,Mum told me. Ms. Principal sent a letter to me I was so happy at that moment Now. I am back~

口罩也藏不住你的可爱 有序入园,认真地接受一系列的检查 你们是嘉德琳最棒的崽崽 Your loveliness overflowed the mask Enter the school orderly and accept inspection seriously You are the best babies of Cadalin

防控、防疫 360°全方位覆盖 是嘉德琳尽力给你们最好的保护 Prevention and antiepidemic We tried our best to protect your health in all aspects



All the preparations are just for your coming



The sterilized teaching aids are arranged in order


It seems that they are alive with your accompany



Those lovely guys are waiting for you happily



With the accompany of sunlight and fresh air


Children's motor cells are completely awakened


Your smile is bright and beautiful


Blooming on the first day of school



The discussion has already begun


Today we talked about the COVID-19





 The COVID-19 is a bad guy 

We took such a long holiday because of him

 Doctors are great 

They used their own perspective to interpret everything about 

the epidemic



进入蒙氏教室 从走线开始 一切都静下来了... When entering into the Montessori classroom when starting from walking the line Everything calmed down


进入蒙氏教室即切换模式 孩子们已完全进入工作状态 这就是蒙氏的仪式感吧 When entering into the Montessori classroom, they switched into work mode They were completely immersed in Montessori work This is the sense of ritual of Montessori

蒙氏教室里的孩子不仅独立自主 也拥有乐意为自己和他人服务的精神 Montessori kids are not only independent, but also have the spirit of being willing to serve oneself and others

空间快速转换 入园即快速融入集体 一切常规都平稳有序地进行着... 独立自主模式霸气开启 When came to school, they can adjust to the environment quickly Everything went on smoothly They are all independent babies

多元化的美语课 让小朋友们兴趣盎然 Various kinds of English classes Make all the students feel interested

妈咪、爸比 为成为一个更加优秀的学霸宝宝 我一直在努力! Daddy and Mummy I've been trying to be a better baby

才艺课程平行上线中... Here come the art lessons...

孩子们天生就是艺术家 喜欢一切和色彩相关的事物 所以,美术才艺课一直很受欢迎 Children are born to be artists They love everything about colours So, art lessons are always popular among children

“儿童节”——你看到的我是快乐的 Children's Day- When you see me, I am happy

孩子们的节日就是要“玩”起来 各班级组织了各种形式的小活动 开心到起飞 They should paly on this special day All the classes arranged differnt kinds of activities They were so happy

今天是儿童节 园长妈妈还给我们准备了礼物 看起来云淡风轻的我,内心已经狂喜不止~~ Today is Children's Day Ms. Principal also prepared gifts for us I'm already ecstatic though looked calm